About Me

Hello, User

Thanks for landing at my About page. It gives me immense pleasure to find you on our website.

Let me introduce my self quickly, 

I’m Aman Jaiswal.

The part-time Blogger and full-time Security Analyst.

I’m a 23-year-old part-time blogger who loves to do blogging and share knowledge with others.

I’m from Delhi (India) and by qualification, I’m Engineer but passionate blogger by heart.

Currently, I’m working in an IT Multinational Company as Security Analyst and having +1 year experience in Networking and Cybersecurity. Apart from that I am ComptiA certified. ComptiA is an American non-profit trade association, issuing professional certifications for the IT industry. It is considered one of the IT industry’s top trade associations.

Let talks about this blog

I started Cybermeteoroid.com  blog on August 2021 to helps every newbie people to succeed in Networking & Cybersecurity that why I name this blog, “CyberMeteoroid.”

CyberMeteoroid.com is a free website for School & College students who are interested in latest technology like Networking & Cybersecurity.

Our aim is to provide college students with easy and high-quality educational resources related to Networking, Software, Cybersecurity, Hardware, Internet of Things(IOT), Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence(AI).

So if you want to know more about me, you can take a look at my Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin.

If you are looking for any other query, you can mail me

Email : cybermeteoroid@gmail.com

Thanks for reading my blog and giving your precious time to us.

Your New Friend From Now

Aman Jaiswal