AES vs RSA Encryption | Which one is more secure?

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is the symmetric key cryptography and Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (RSA) encryption is the asymmetric cryptography. Before learning AES vs RSA, let’s understand what is symmetric and asymmetric cryptography? Symmetric Key Cryptography uses a single key to encrypt data. In this algorithm both sender and receiver share a same secret key for encrypting and decrypting the message. While Asymmetric Cryptography uses two keys to encrypt data. One key is used for data encryption, while the other key is used for data decryption. Sender uses first key (public key) to encrypt the message and receiver uses second key (private key) to decrypt the message.

AES vs RSA Encryption with comparison table

ParametersAES EncryptionRSA Encryption
Full FormAES stands for Advanced Encryption StandardRSA stands for Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman
Cryptography TypeAES is symmetric key cryptographyWhile RSA is asymmetric key cryptography
Number of KeysAES uses only single key for both encryption and decryptionRSA uses two keys one for encryption and second for decryption
Key LengthKey length varies from 128 bits, 192 bits to 256 bitsIn RSA, key length is more than 1024 bits.
Block SizeBlock size can be of 128, 192, or 256 bits – depending upon the key length.While in RSA minimum block size is 512 bits.
Encryption SpeedAES encryption speed is faster than RSA EncryptionRSA encryption takes time for encryption and decryption
SecurityAES is more secure than RSA.RSA is least secure as compared to AES and DES.
Number of RoundIn AES, Number of rounds depends on key length 128 bits – 10 Round 192 bits – 12 Round 256 bits – 14 RoundWhile RSA perform only one round
Designed ByAES was designed by Vincent Rijmen and Joan Daemen & standardized in 2001.RSA is created by MIT scientists (Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman) in 1977.

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

AES Algorithm

The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm is a symmetric-key block cipher (block size 128 bit) encryption designed & by published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2001. AES is widely used today as it is a much stronger than DES and 3DES. In Advanced Encryption Standard number of rounds depends on the key length, 10 rounds for 128-bit keys, 12 rounds for 192-bit keys and 14 rounds for 256-bit keys.

Advanced Encryption Standard takes 128 bits plain text as input and produced 128 bits cipher text as output. It’s encryption process is based on a substitution-permutation network, also referred as an SP network. It consists of a series of linked operations, including replacing inputs with specific outputs (substitutions) and others involving bit shuffling (permutations).

Rivest, Shamir and Adleman (RSA)

The RSA algorithm is an asymmetric cryptography algorithm, uses two different but mathematically linked keys –one public and one private. The Public key is used for encryption, and the Private Key is used for decryption. The public key is well known and shared publicly, but the private key is secret and it is known only to the user who owns the key and must not be shared with anyone. This algorithm was invented by Rivest, Shamir and Adleman in year 1978 that’s why name RSA algorithm.

In RSA algorithm, public key consists of two numbers where one number is multiplication of two large prime numbers. And private key is also derived from the same two prime numbers. Encryption strength totally depends upon the key size and if we increase the key size, the strength of encryption increase and the size of key is 1024 or 2048 bits. RSA is widely used in Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), email services, web browser (TLS), digital signing for code and certificates. Certificates can be used to verify the public key’s owner, by signing it with the private key of the key pair owner.

When do we use AES and RSA encryption?

AES is commonly used for protecting data at rest. For example, we encrypt data which is in database, we will decrypt data when we need to access the data from database. In AES algorithm encryption & decryption will take place on the same platform. Another example of AES encryption is hard drive encryption – we encrypt the data when we write to the disk, and decrypt it when we read from the disk.

RSA is commonly used for protecting data at transit or we have two geographically different end-points. For example, one endpoint will encrypt the data in New Delhi, and other endpoint will decrypt it in New York. RSA uses public/private key for encryption/decryption of the data and this unique public/private key aspect of RSA algorithm helps us be secure when we are separated by many kilometers of insecurity.


ParametersDES EncryptionAES EncryptionRSA Encryption
Full FormDES stands for Data Encryption StandardAES stands for Advanced Encryption StandardRSA stands for Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman
Cryptography TypeDES is symmetric key cryptographyAES is symmetric key cryptographyWhile RSA is asymmetric key cryptography
Number of KeysDES uses only single key for both encryption and decryptionAES uses only single key for both encryption and decryptionRSA uses two keys one for encryption and second for decryption
Key LengthThe size of key length is of 56 bitsKey length varies from 128 bits, 192 bits to 256 bitsIn RSA, key length is more than 1024 bits.
Block SizeThe block size is 64 bits in DESBlock size can be of 128, 192, or 256 bits – depending upon the key length.While in RSA minimum block size is 512 bits.
Encryption SpeedThe encryption process is time-consumingAES encryption speed is faster than RSA EncryptionRSA encryption takes time for encryption and decryption
SecurityDES can be broken easily as it has known vulnerabilities. And due to smaller key, which make it less secure.AES is more secure than RSA.RSA is least secure as compared to AES and DES.
Number of RoundDES involves 16 rounds of identical operationsIn AES, Number of rounds depends on key length 128 bits – 10 Round 192 bits – 12 Round 256 bits – 14 RoundWhile RSA perform only one round
Designed ByDES was designed by IBM. And established as a standard in 1977AES was designed by Vincent Rijmen and Joan Daemen & standardized in 2001.RSA is created by MIT scientists (Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman) in 1977.


All DES, AES and RSA are used for encryption of the data and are useful in their own way. AES came as the successor of DES and RSA to overcome its drawbacks. DES is the older algorithm and AES is the advanced algorithm which is faster and more secure than both. That’s why all modern day applications rely on AES instead of the DES and RSA algorithm for secure encryption. Although DES had made great contributions in the field of data security, but now it is replaced by AES in the areas of high security.

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