Ports and Protocols in Networks.

What is Ports ?

Port is logical communication endpoints that exist on a computer or server. In other words port is a virtual point where network connections start and end. Ports allow computers to easily differentiate between different kinds of traffic: emails go to a different port than webpages, for instance, even though both reach a computer over the same Internet connection. A port number is a unique identifier used with an IP address. A port is a 16-bit unsigned integer, and the total number of ports available in the TCP/IP model is 65,535 ports. The most common transport protocols that use port numbers are the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the User Datagram Protocol (UDP).

Inbound Port: A  logical communication opening on a server that is listening for a connection from a client.
Outbound Port: A logical communication opening created on a client in order to call out to a server that is listening for a connection.

Ports can be any number between 0 to 65535. Ports between 0 to 1023 are considered as well known ports and are assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). Ports between 1024 to 49,151 are considered registered ports and are usually assigned to proprietary protocols. Ports between 49,152 to 65,535 can be used by any application without being registered with Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). Any port that is associated with a service or function that is non-essential to the operation of your computer or network is known as unnecessary ports.

What is Protocols ?

In networking, a protocol is a set of rules that determine how data is transmitted between different devices. It allows connected devices to communicate with each other. Network protocols are the reason you can easily communicate with people all over the internet, and thus play a critical role in modern digital communications. Protocols are established by international or industry wide organizations.

The most famous Protocols with port numbers are shown below.

Port NumbersProtocolsDescription
21 TCPFTPFile Transfer Protocol is used to transfer files from host to host
22 TCP/UDPSSHSecure Shell is used to remotely administer network devices and systems. SCP is used for secure copy and SFTP for secure FTP.
23 TCP/UDPTelnetUnencrypted method to remotely administer network devices (should not be used)
25 TCPSMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol is used to send email over the Internet
53 TCP/UDPDNSDomain Name Service is used to resolve hostnames to IPs and IPs to hostnames
69 UDPTFTPTrivial FTP is used as a simplified version of FTP to put a file on a remote host, or get a file from a remote host
80 TCPHTTPHyper Text Transfer Protocol is used to transmit web page data to a client for unsecured web browsing.
88 TCP/UDPKerberosUsed for network authentication using a system of tickets within a Windows domain
110 TCPPOP3Post Office Protocol v3 is used to receive email from a mail server
119 TCPNNTPNetwork News Transfer Protocol is used to transport Usenet articles
123 UDPNTPNetwork Time Protocol (NTP)  is used to synchronize the devices on the Internet. Even most modern operating systems support NTP as a basis for keeping an accurate clock.
135 TCP/UDPPC/DCOM[1]scmRemote Procedure Call is used to located DCOM ports request a service from a program on another computer on the network
137,138,139 TCP/UDPNetBIOSNetBIOS is used to conduct name querying, sending of data, and other functions over a NetBIOS connection
143 TCPIMAPInternet Message Access Protocol is used to receive email from a mail server with more features than POP3
161 UDPSNMPSimple Network Management Protocol is used to remotely monitor network devices
162 TCP/UDPSNMPTRAPUsed to send Trap and Inform Requests to the SNMP Manager on a network
389 TCP/UDPLDAPLightweight Directory Access Protocol is used to maintain directories of users and other objects
443 TCPHTTPSHyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure is used to transmit web page data to a client over an SSL/TLS-encrypted connection
445 TCPSMBServer Message Block is used to provide shared access to files and other resources on a network
465/587 TCPSMTP with SSL/TLSSimple Mail Transfer Protocol used to send email over the Internet with an SSL and TLS secured connection
514 UDPSyslogSyslog is used to conduct computer message logging, especially for routers and firewall logs
636 TCP/UDPLDAP SSL/TLSLDAP is used to maintain directories of users and other objects over an encrypted SSL/TLS connection
860 TCPiSCSIiSCSI is used for linking data storage facilities over IP
989/990 TCPFTPSFile Transfer Protocol Secure is used to transfer files from host to host over an encrypted connection
993 TCPIMAP4 with SSL/TLSInternet Message Access Protocol is used to receive email from a mail server over an SSL/TLS[1]encrypted connection
995 TCPPOP3 (SSL/TLS)Post Office Protocol v3 is used to receive email from a mail server using an SSL/TLS-encrypted connection
1433 TCPMs-sql-sMicrosoft SQL server is used to receive SQL database queries from clients
1645/1646 UDPRADIUS (alternative)Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service is used for authentication and authorization (1645) and accounting (1646)
1701 UDPL2TPLayer 2 Tunnel Protocol is used as an underlying VPN protocol but has no inherent security
1723 TCP/UDPPPTPPoint-to-Point Tunneling Protocol is an underlying VPN protocol with built-in security
1812/1813 UDPRADIUSRemote Authentication Dial-In User Service is used for authentication and authorization (1812) and accounting (1813)
3225 TCP/UDPFCIPFibre Channel IP is used to encapsulate Fibre Channel frames within TCP/IP packets
3260 TCPiSCSI TargetiSCSI Target is as the listening port for iSCSI-targeted devices when linking data storage facilities over IP
3389 TCP/UDPRDPRemote Desktop Protocol is used to remotely view and control other Windows systems via a Graphical User Interface
3868 TCPDiameterA more advanced AAA protocol that is a replacement for RADIUS
6514 TCPSyslog over TLSIt is used to conduct computer message logging, especially for routers and firewall logs, over a TLS-encrypted connection

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